2028 Treasurer Candidates
Aayush Chandra
Candidate for 2028 Treasurer
Hello, Class of 28! My name is Aayush, and I'm running for your class treasurer. When I'm not in school, I love playing football and getting involved in clubs. If you elect me as your treasurer, I promise to work hard to lower ticket prices for school events wherever possible and to introduce exciting new events to Lynbrook! And I will always be open to feedback and will always listen to the class! If you have any questions about me or my vision for lynbrook feel free to contact my on instagram at ayuz4tres.
Audrey Cabaltica
Candidate for 2028 Treasurer
Hi! I’m Audrey Cabaltica and I’m running to be your class treasurer. Some things I like to do include reading, writing, and listening to music. I plan to create fun, inclusive events for the whole class. I want our class to have a fun and unforgettable experience this freshmen year. Not only would I create these events, but you guys will have a say in them too. I’ll listen to and incorporate your ideas into our events. Your voice matters. If elected, you’ll get the chance to have your voices heard and ideas carried out. Vote Audrey Cabaltica to be your class treasurer!
Candidate for 2028 Treasurer
Hey all~ I'm Judy, a Genshin player who loves money. As THE TREASURER AT MILLER last year, (*¯︶¯*) I accumulated many experiences with managing school-wide funds. So trust me~ (¯︶¯) And, of course, I will responsibly and accurately, also wisely spend every needed cent on your guys' events ( ̄∇ ̄). Remember to VOTE 4 JUDY YU, TREASURER 4 YOU~ Hope for a wonderful year and pls vote for me~
Richard Yu (RUNOFFS)
Candidate for 2028 Treasurer
Hey Class of 28! My name is Richard Yu and I am running to be your class treasurer. As treasurer, I'll ensure that events such as rallies are the best they can be. I plan to host exciting fundraisers then put our class funds into use and push it to its maximum potential. I hope to increase class spirit with elaborate decorations and class apparel, along with making sure events run smoothly. Most importantly, I want everyone to have fun at our events and I will try my best to lead our class to success.
Tiffany Yuan
Candidate for 2028 Treasurer
Hey 2028! I'm Tiffany and I will be running for your class of 2028 treasurer. I would be the best candidate because I have experience doing things like budgeting, planning and selling items. I started a crochet business, so I know how to market and gain profits, and I can use those skills to help make money for school events. I am also excellent at teamwork as I have volunteered at a local animal farm working with people I'm not very familiar with. I can help plan unforgettable fundraisers, rallies, and events. SO VOTE TIFFANY FOR CLASS OF 2028 TREASURER!!