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Vikings, we’re super excited to introduce your Associated Student Body for the 2024-2025 school year! Lynbrook ASB, or Leadership, consists of 8 ASB Officers, 26 commissioners, and 21 class officers working to create a positive impact on campus. ASB officers and commissioners focus on schoolwide projects––together, we make up 6 commissions tackling specific areas we’re passionate about.


Class officers plan various class events such as Homecoming, rallies, proms, and fundraisers. The Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors have 5 officers, and the Seniors have 6. ASB also serves as a liaison for school administration, Legislative Council, FUHSD Inter-District Council (IDC), and parent and community organizations like PTSA and School Site Council (SSC). If you ever want to get involved with these groups, we’re here to help.


Collectively, it’s our job to better your high school experience and make sure your voice is heard. As you browse the descriptions below, we hope you gain insight into the structure and specific duties of our team. We recommend you check out the ASB Constitution [Constitution subpage] to gain a better understanding about our official responsibilities. Have any questions or suggestions? Email our ASB Advisor, Ms. Kirsh, at, our ASB President, Calvin Zhou, at, or talk to any of us in person!



The ASB officers oversee all ASB events and the fourth period leadership class, which consists of the Class Presidents and commissioners. We individually work with 6 commissions on some events and collectively lead classwide projects and campaigns. In addition to our individual roles, we organize Legislative Council and IDC.

ASB President: Calvin Zhou

ASB Vice Presidents: Kimaya Pantvaidya & Siddharth Gupta

ASB Secretary: Amy Tang

ASB Treasurer: Colin Chow

IDC Representatives: Nina Pan & Samay Sikri

FUHSD Board Representative: Arnav Singhal


The Tech commission brings innovative technologies to Lynbrook, documents major school events, and manages all technology present in the promotion and execution of ASB events.

In order to spread awareness of events and promote our school, the Tech Commissioners take photos and videos of ASB events including rallies, brunch activities and dances. They help publicize events, manage the Student Life portion of the LHS website, and work with other technical aspects such as filming and operating the sound system. Tech had also DJed a few of LHS dances in the last few years.

Colin Chow (commission lead), Daniel Wan, Susanna Khubchandani, Jiwon Kim, Ojas Kothari, Min Kang, Arnav Singhal


Community Link intersects the responsibilities of overseeing organizations on Lynbrook's campus and focuses on greater outreach to the community. Commissioners are responsible for creating a platform to facilitate communication between the school's student body, administration, as well as groups outside in the community.

Kimaya Pantvaidya (commission lead), Ashwin Kamchetty, Meghana Babu, Hisham Mohammed, Shreshta Ramji, Henry Wang


The PR Commission promotes school-wide events, increase transparency, and informs the student body through ASB Videos. We also update the ASB website periodically. Public Relations Commissioners provide much needed service to our student body by promoting ASB events and activities including homecoming, dances, spirit weeks, etc. through announcements, posters, flyers, stickers and other creative ways.

Samay Sikri (commission lead), Annie Peng, Sanaa Gada, Alicia Tsai, Niharika Ramanatham


Recognition Commissioners help promote a positive and supportive school environment by planning annual events like Kindness Week, Finals Campus Wellness Week, and the Coffeehouse Talent Show. Recognition aims to appreciate all students and teachers for their hard work and dedication through awards like student VIP Vikings and Staff Appreciation Week, and they seek to recognize underrepresented groups and individuals on campus. In addition to celebrating faculty and student accomplishments, this commission runs the Facebook and Instagram page known as Humans of Lynbrook High, featuring interviews from students and staff. They keep their eyes and ears open for achievements in order to publicly recognize them in unique ways.

Siddharth Gupta (commission lead), Felicia Huang, Chloe Chung, Riddhi Maharana, Kayla Hwang


Social commissioners are in charge of overseeing, publicizing, and planning events, such as school dances, movie nights, and the fashion show, for students to get together and socialize. We strive to plan the best events that reach out to the entire student body and help our Vikings have a fun and memorable high school experience!

Amy Tang (commission lead), Jennifer Chua, Chelsea Guo, Amie Wu, Michael Fan, Ben Yang


Spirit Commissioners play the biggest role in rallies by organizing the themes, games, script, and presentation of sports teams. During the rallies, they may have the center stage as MCs. They also run several other events throughout the year aiming to increase student participation. During other events, they may introduce activities, classes, speakers, etc. They work closely with Tech in video production and will work to promote student involvement in all activities.

Nina Pan (commission lead), AJ Jain, Joyce Cheung, Shreya Somani


The Intra-District Council promotes positive relationships between students and ASBs across the FUHSD district. The IDC represents the voices of Lynbrook students and takes inspiration from other schools to better Lynbrook and every student’s Lynbrook experience. The IDC for each school consists of two representatives and the ASB President.

Calvin Zhou, Nina Pan, Samay Sikri, Arnav Singhal


Class Officers

Class Officers are representatives elected my members of their class to lead and serve their grade level. Class Officers plan various events and initiatives such as Homecoming, Fundraisers and more. Each grade consists of 1 President, 2 VPs (3 for the senior class), 1 Secretary and 1 Treasurer ​



Dishita Aeron (president)

Amine Ali Chaouche (vice president)

Hao Gu (vice president)

Gary Pan (vice president)

Abhiram Bhavarau (secretary)

Anoushka Chakravarty (treasurer)


Vihaan Patel (president)
Lisa Jing (vice president)
Tanush Agrawal (vice president)
Audrey Zhu (secretary)
Kartik Gudapati (treasurer)


Arnav Kodavati (president)
Dale Liu (vice president)
Rohin Saharoy (vice president)
Rishi Dommeti (secretary)
Erin Chen (treasurer)


Hannah Zhang (president)

Adam Salme (vice president)

Betty Huang (vice president)

Justin Jung (secretary)

Judy Yu (treasurer)

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Lynbrook's Legislative Council is composed of individual members from each class across the student body. The council meets biweekly to vote on decisions concerning upcoming events, passing clubs, and other Lynbrook-related news. 


Patrick Krupa, Akshat Garg, Aditi Skandan, Alec Chau, Ziyuan Gao, Qianzi Loo, Christopher Juno Hong, Angelina Zhou, Grace Lai, Caroline Yan, Isabel Hosein, Isabella Chiu, Stephen Florip, Kashish Mittal, Zihao (Jenny) Tian, Wendi Sun, Brian Rong, Jaclyn Chiu, Rebecca Cai, Yunfei (Steven) Xia, Krithisha Muthukumar, Katelyn Wang, Ariel Kuo, Jia Park, Sharika Dipu, Evan Liu, Benjamin Zhang, Michael Tang, Anithra Narayanan

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