YOUR guide to...
Welcome to Lynbrook's LARGEST of the year...HOMECOMING! Homecoming is a week-long event at Lynbrook where each day of the week is dedicated to a class with Friday as Rally Day. During this week full of fun and excitement, students, teachers, and staff celebrate school and class spirit which leads up to a Football game (a.k.a. Homecoming Game) and Homecoming Dance at the end of the week. Below is each class's theme for Homecoming 2024.
Students are highly encouraged to participate and take part in Homecoming activities and get involved in activities on campus. Here is a breakdown of the different aspects of Homecoming:
1. Skit: 20-minute skit based on each class's Homecoming theme
Voice Actors: not on stage directly, but on the side voicing each character's lines
Stage Actors: on stage, mouth lines, use body motions and movement to engage with the audience and act the lines out
Skit Leads are typically in charge of coordinating skit practices, working with actors to memorize lines and perfect on-stage performances, along with writing the overall script and getting it approved by class advisors
Interested skit actors (both voice and stage) should contact their class's skit heads and/or class officers
Typical practices for skit actors occur twice a week before school, each being around 1-2 hours long -- exact times/dates are up to the skit heads
2. Dance: dances incorporated into the 20-minute skit
Each dance is approximately 2-3 minutes long and is part of the skit
Three different dances: Girls Dance, Boys Dance, Coed Dance
Dance Leads are in charge of choreographing the dance, coordinating practices, and mixing audio for the dances
Typical practices for dancers occur 2-3 times a week before school in the morning, each being around 1-2 hours long -- exact times/dates are up to Dance Heads
3. Decs: decorations put around school and in the quad revolving around each class's Homecoming theme
Planters: cardboard 3-D decorations (typically of characters from the class's theme or class numbers -- ex. 2026)
Backdrop: 80 ft x 12 ft backdrop made of fabric/bedsheets that is put up in the quad behind the skit stage
Decs Leads are in charge of decorating and designing decorations, coordinating meeting times, and getting decorations approved by advisors
No practices for decorations but there are regularly scheduled meetings led by Decs Leads to work on decorations