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ASB Secretary Candidates

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Amine Ali Chaouche

Candidate for ASB Secretary

Hey Lynbrook! I'm Amine and I'm hoping that I can become your ASB Secretary for next year! I am deeply committed to enhancing our school's environment to make it more interactive for everyone. My aim is to create an atmosphere where your voices are heard, and I will make sure to curate a tailored experience for everyone at Lynbrook. I am committed to promoting school spirit, organizing fun events, and advocating for our student community. As your secretary, I will prioritize clear and open communication to be as transparent as possible. Let's have a memorable year Lynbrook!

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Amy Tang

Candidate for ASB Secretary

HEY LYNBROOK, whether you know me as the girl running check-ins at dances or the girl screaming in a cowboy hat at rallies, I'm AMY TANG running to be YOUR ASB SECRETARY! With experiences as an ASB Social Commisioner and Class President, I've had the opportunity to learn about our school, and most importantly, YOU! My passion to serve our school has remained unchanged, and I hope to implement my knowledge to make OUR community stronger in terms of transparency, communiation, organization, and inclusion. Let's have an AMYzing school year and vote AMY TANG for ASB SECRETARY!

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Gary Pan

Candidate for ASB Secretary

Hey Lynbrook! My name is Gary Pan and as your ASB secretary, I hope to bring change to not only ASB but the entire school.


Having experience participating in the school not only as class treasurer, co-president of a pending club, and planter lead but also as a member of the EPIC. I have attended 100+ hours of planter decorations and rally setup this school year alone. If elected, I seek to establish exciting events like multicultural performances and also seek to relieve the stressful nature of school.


Remember to vote the PAN cause he’s the MAN.

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Kartik Gudapati

Candidate for ASB Secretary

Hi Lynbrook

My name is Kartik Gudapati, and I’m running to be your ASB secretary. I would like to express my love for Lynbrook and to all of you by being in this position and trying to make everything better. I want to improve the high school experience for everyone here so we can have a BLAST of a school year. This last year, I was the class treasurer, and helped in planning and organizing many fun events for the class. I plan to make this happen school wide as the ASB secretary.

Vote for Kartik, he’s the star pick.

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Lauren Li

Candidate for ASB Secretary

As ASB secretary I aim to provide an inclusive environment for all students, making events cost efficient, and provide higher quality events. One way I’ll do this is to include an ASB panel every quarter for student input on where to go for dances, food choices at dances, how events are planned and more. This way the student body is deciding each and every aspect to make events more enjoyable, therefore spending money on events you deem worth it! Subsequently, I will keep ticket costs as low as they can be with fundraising. Vote for better events, vote for Lauren Li :-)!!

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Shreya Somani

Candidate for ASB Secretary

Hey Lynbrook! I’m SHREYA SOMANI running to be YOUR ASB SECRETARY! As an ASB Spirit–and past ASB PR–Commissioner, I’ve worked on both the publicity and planning sides of ASB for rallies, spirit weeks, Homecoming, and much more, gathering the skills necessary to execute successful projects. With YOUR help, I aim to design new, UNIQUE EVENTS while improving our FACILITIES, like debuting a “LYNBROOK DANCING WITH THE STARS” for performance teams or working with the administrative board on implementing air fresheners and repairing the hand dryers in our bathrooms. If you have any questions, message @s_shr3ya or check out! VOTE SHREYA for ASB SECRETARY! :)

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